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Top 10 Mattress Questions

#1 Did you know that 90% of people pay 3 to 10 times too much for their mattress?

Most mattresses are overpriced. Much of the cost goes to marketing, warehousing, showrooms, local transport, shipping and expensive salaries.

#2 Did you know that 20% of a mattress's cost is for transport and warehousing?

Traditional mattresses are voluminous and occupy a lot of space. This makes shipping and shopping expensive. Inkagu's rolled and compressed mattresses reduce the product volume by 80%. This results in tremendous savings that are passed on to our customers.

#3 Did you know that most Latex mattresses cost more than $1500?

Some cost even more. This is because of multiple expensive showrooms, high markups, having too many models, warehousing and transport costs. Our Inkagu ShinJu X Latex topped queen size mattress cost only $899.

#4 Did you know that most major mattress brands have 100 to 300 models?

This inefficiency results in increased costs. We only have 4 main models. We focus on volume and economies of scale. The method reduces our costs significantly.

#5 Did you know that most major mattress brands have 10 to 50 showrooms or displays in Singapore?

Another inefficiency that results in increased costs. We only have 2 physical locations. We focus mainly on online sales. Showroom costs can make up 20 to 40% of total costs.

#6 Did you know the lowest price guarantee given by major bedding/mattress retainers are a SCAM?

These major retailers just use different model numbers for basically the same mattress from a well known brand. The brand owners are also in cohorts with the retailer. They simply change the external material patterns or something basic to give the impression that it is a completely different model. They give customers basically no recourse for a refund or a price match.

#7 Did you know that pocketed spring technology was invented in the 1930s?

Many major brands are still marketing this technology as something new and wonderful. This technology is actually more than 90 years old and is very basic by today's technological standards. So don't be fooled into paying more.

#8 Did you know most condominiums cannot receive full king sized mattresses?

Many new condominiums have too narrow an access to receive king or queen sized mattresses. Our rolled up compressed mattresses have no such problems.

#9 Did you know most mattresses were not designed for sex?

Our mattresses are designed for both sex and sleep. ShinJu does not only mean "real pearl" in Japanese, it also represents a Japanese story similar to Romeo and Juliet.

#10 Did you know that your mattress increases in weight by a few kilograms yearly?

Many people refuse to change mattresses because they are so damn expensive. But this is so unhealthy. Many mattresses that are used with cotton bedsheets gain a few kilograms of weight annually. This increase is literally the weight of dust mite shit. Dust mites consume dead decomposing human skin and hair that is shed by humans and eventually has to shit it out. :)

Recommended Links

  1. Learn more about Inkagu mattresses.
  2. Inkagu Mattress Collection.
  3. Top 10 Things That Can Stain Your Mattress.
  4. Top 10 Best Mattress Features For Better Sleep.
  5. To keep in touch with us about the latest deals follow us on Facebook.