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The Art of Tatami Platform Bed Sleeping

Restful sleep is something that everyone values. A person who experiences the constant tossing and turning at night usually wakes up even more tired than before they go to bed. Our Tatami platform bed is the ideal solution.

There are schools of thought that believe that the answer to a peaceful and rejuvenating night’s sleep is to rest closer to the ground. For those who are used to a raised and fluffy bed however, this may be a far-off concept that seems counter-intuitive. Wouldn’t tatami bedrooms be a deterrent to getting a comfortable night’s rest?

Here are the key benefits that some chiropractors have shared about tatami beds and flooring.

Good for your neck and back

A flat surface that provides evenly distributed support for the body is what we need to enjoy a good posture while sleeping. Lying down on the floor means that there are fewer dips in the bed that would contribute to a lumpy recline. As a result, the spine and neck are supported by the stable surface; allowing one to experience less aches and pain that disrupts sleep.

Better breathing and blood circulation

Lying on a firm mattress allows the spine to be better aligned. This decreases obstruction within the body and aids breathing and promotes better blood circulation.

Warm up, cool off

One of the benefits of sleeping closer to the ground is that it allows the body to acclimatize more easily to the room’s temperature. With less heat accumulated on the body from the lack of a thick mattress, the body can adjust more easily to the environment. Hence, falling and staying asleep becomes a breeze. Our tatami mattress is the perfect solution!

Improved posture

Practitioners believe that sleeping on the floor helps to alleviate chronic back pain. When the spine is able to rest in a neutral position while sleeping, it could result in less ‘knots’ on the back and allow a person to wake up with looser joints and less sore muscles.

People who prefer softer beds and experience knee-joint issues may find the idea of tatami flooring daunting. If you are willing to make a difference to your sleeping style, one can start off by sleeping on a tatami mattress, on a slightly raised platform like our tatami beds.

Eco and wallet-friendly

Better space management and planning is a challenge today as competition for and the value of living spaces rises. Furniture and design solutions that have multi-uses, can be kept compactly and require less time to maintain are gaining popularity because they offer new and existing homeowners the freedom of adapting their rooms for all day-to-night activities. More importantly, they encourage good space management habits and reduce the need to over purchase furniture. In turn, this motivates smart spending and reduces waste.

Looking for sleeping solutions with tatami platform bed? Click here to customize the perfect tatami bedroom!

Recommended Links

  1. Tatami Storage Bed Collection.
  2. Top 10 Best Mattress Features For Better Sleep.
  3. The Art of Tatami Sleeping.
  4. Learn more about Tatami Beds.
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