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The Key to Buying Bar and Lounge Furniture

Bars and lounges have a different feel and purpose to restaurants and eateries. For one thing, you want your visitors not to be attending for just one or two drinks for an entire evening. This means you have a relatively short space of time within which you can entice them to drink and eat more. Hoping they stay as long as possible and spend as much as possible. You’re also going to want to make their time with you as comfortable and as relaxing as physically possible. Which is why you should be thinking carefully about the bar furniture you put into such a space. 

Bar Furniture - Picket&Rail

Think About the Atmosphere

The best bar and lounge furniture options for you will be those which fit in well with the atmosphere you wish to create. Bars and lounges will generally arrive in two flavours – quirky, or sophisticated – and with this in mind, you should almost certainly be looking for seating, tables and accessories which stand out or blend in as you see fit. You should also think about the communal aspects of your bar – you may even wish to introduce dining options if you wish to open your lounge to a wider scope of people. In which case, it’s high time you started looking at practical and appealing furniture options which will encourage and entice the right visitors time and again.

Bar Furniture - Picket&Rail
Bar Furniture - Picket&Rail

Tips to Consider

Getting bar and lounge furniture just right the first time around is always going to be tricky. Which is why it is always worth listening to advice. Especially from seasoned furniture specialists for the F&B industry. That is if you aim to really start creating a buzz about your business. Here are just a few things we think you should be keeping in mind:

  • Consider different seating and table levels for your guests. If you are offering dining as well as drinking, it is worth thinking about lower seating for restaurant guests. Then have high seating for drinking visitors. It’s more or less what’s expected in the bar industry!
  • Think carefully about spacing between the top of your seating and the tops of your tables. You’re going to want to maximise comfort, legroom and ease of access. Which is why we’ve made it easier for you to pick. Just choose from a range of different chairs and tables that you can easily fit together.
  • Adding a touch of fabric to your bar or lounge design can perk things up. But then always look for fabric options which are stain resistant. Easy-clean and low maintenance options are key when it comes to running a busy bar environment.
  • Always focus on durability and longevity. If you’re aiming to run your bar for many moons to come, you are going to need to look for furniture to weather the years.

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