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Top 10s

Picket&Rail believes that our customers should personally inspect and test drive any furniture before purchasing. A showroom trip can be a bonding experience for all families and our 35 Senang Crescent is the place to source for the best solid wood furniture. Here are 10 reasons why it's worth the trip to visit our showroom!
Today's young couple have to settle for a much smaller floor area and with tight corners and smaller common areas. This makes the buying of furniture much more complicated. We have curated 15 pieces/types of must-haves for apartment living that will help you narrow down your buying decisions.
Home accessories bring the wow factor into any beautiful home. Beautiful furniture without this aesthetic layer look bland and unlived. It's amazing just how a few pillows on the couch, a rug in the living room and a lamp on the sideboard can create such a difference. 
The sofa can be considered the most aesthetically important piece of furniture in the home. It is the first piece of furniture that a you usually see when you enter a home. This article will explore the top ten different types sofas you should consider.
The centre of family life happens more at the dining table than anywhere else in a typical home. The dining furniture in any home must be practical and yet reflect your lifestyle and tastes. As Singapore's No. 1 Solid Wood retailer, we have shortlisted the top 10 types of dining furniture that fits all homes of various square footage.
As hybrid workplaces and WFH become our future, home decor plays an important role for motivation, inspiration and comfort. Explore these famous artists and their work to see which resonates with you and your home!
The little things in furniture design changes the whole experience, especially when safety is a major concern. Picket&Rail is a thinking family brand to ensure that all of our furniture and accessories express healthy living through antimicrobial surfaces, strict safety standards, formaldehyde-free materials, and functional improvement.
Kids bedrooms are one of the hardest to build from scratch because of their everchanging needs as a growing child. Here we recommend the top 10 types of kids bedroom furniture options that are available in Singapore, from functional bestsellers to innovative play-and-sleep designs that is sure to suite your kid's lifestyle.
The bedroom is your sanctuary, and a good bed frame is a must for restful sleep. Our solid wood beds are classic and come in various designs for all sizes of home and for every generation. Read on to see which bed is the one for you!
Carry two wallets when you set off to Malaysia. Malaysian highways are very well built. They long, smooth and inviting. It is not difficult to get excited and to pick speed at you get comfortable with the driving environment.
Have a bagua or Lo Shu configuration for your living room for good luck. If you have a large hall, a bagua (octogonal) arrangement is possible. There is also an octagon in our Singapore dollar coin. You can have eight chairs or four two-seater sofas or a combination of different types of seating gathered around a large coffee table.