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Beds & Mattresses Articles

Our ZincOxide-infused bedsheets kills viruses on your skin while you're sleeping! The antibacterial effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles infused on our bedsheets and pillow covers inhibits & inactivate bacteria cell growth.

There are many mattress types available in the market. The question is which mattress type is best suited for your sleeping style and preferences. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each mattress type to give you a better idea.

Picket&Rail's philosophy is that your bed frame, mattress, pillow and bedding must work as one and not as separate products. We have developed an approach to total sleep where every key component of your bed is perfectly matched with one another to maximize coolness, hygiene, healing, better sex, deeper sleep, and ergonomic support. Too often many sleep products are developed separately and certain positive functions are neutralized by a function of another product such as bedsheets that cover the wicking surface of mattresses. The cooling effect of the mattress is completely lost.

When shopping for a new mattress, there can be a lot of factors that seem to complicate things, but your weight shouldn’t be one of them. In many cases, the best mattresses for heavy people tend to have a lot of the same attributes of a good mattress for thinner people as well.
Buying a mattress over the years has become harder and harder. Atypical visit to an Expo fair or a Furniture Mall will have more than 20 something brand retailers touting their goods. Each retailer brand will be claiming to be the best.
The word mattress derives from the Arabic word matrah, which means "something thrown down" or "place where something is thrown down" and hence "mat, cushion". During the Crusades Europeans adopted the Arabic method of sleeping on cushions
A system for 90% or more of the Asian human population. Each layer focused a on primary function. Each layered zone has further sub layers and subsystems to finesse the technology. 
Internet rumour mills claim that mattresses double in weight every 8 years. Probably not double but easily by several kilograms. It's well known that beds, in general, are a prime habitat for dust mites where one third of their nasty and brutish life occurs.
Spurious claims have been going around that the coiled metal springs in mattresses somehow "amplify em waves" and cause cancer on the side of the body that rests on the mattress as you sleep. Some retailers have mistakenly or purposely picked up on this claim and use fear-mongering tactics to market springless mattresses, preying on customer's fear for their own health in order to push products that 'protect' them from a nonexistent threat.
Check that your wood is not contributing to deforestation. Many species of trees used in furniture such as teak, mahogany, elm, oak and rosewood are endangered. While there are sources of these endangered wood species that come from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests.

Today's furniture are made from thousands of natural and man-made materials ranging from natural woods, engineered woods, bamboos, steel, glass, plastic, stone, marble and a host of modern man-made materials. Woods used in modern furniture can be divided into 2 groups..